Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Clearing Misconceptions

There are many misconceptions about Santeria. Perhaps the most popular is that it involves black magic or witchcraft. The fact of the matter is that there is witchcraft and black magic that are used in Santeria, just as there is darkness and evil throughout the world. Western history is rattled with Jihads and Crusades where people forced their religions and ideologies on others with the strength of a blade. Like any religion, there are people who use the forces of the universe for evil.

However, most people in Santeria use magic for good. Another misconception is that Santeria is used to hex people, to put a curse on others, or to cause adversity or misfortune. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, followers of Santeria only worship Orishas (saints). They obey the guidelines of the religion, observe important feasts, and carry out the rites that are expected of them. In return, those who follow Orishas are promised access to powers as well as protection from evil.
 A more controversial aspect of Santeria is the practice of animal sacrifices. While animal sacrifice is a fundamental part of Santeria religion, it is used in order to acquire what is considered a cosmic energy as well as to appease deities. Virtually all-traditional religions made animal sacrifices.

The truth of the matter is that sacrifice is a great component of spirituality. Some may call it creative destruction, when something has to die in order for something else to be created. However, the premise behind the act of making a sacrifice is to understand that everything in the universe is interconnected. In Santeria, worshippers understand that the world is perfectly balanced, and in order for something to be created, something else has to be destroyed. The basis of sacrifice in Santeria is for the worshippers to give something of themselves.

Worshipers are known to give charity, prayers, songs, foods, time, and money as a sacrifice. Worshippers also use dance, rituals, and tell stories as sacrifices. However, the best sacrifice that a worshiper could ever offer the Orishas is to sacrifice his or herself. They can do this by conducting a service that is totally self-less. This service could be in the form of charity, of giving, or merely sending out prayers and good intentions to others. Worshippers of Santeria understand the true value of sacrifice and have a profound respect for animals and nature.

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